A concept approved of by Oxford University…

Oxford Brookes University to be precise!
Big Stick were briefed to provide (on a tight budget) an inclusive site to help young people from 14-17 years old to consider higher education and to inspire young people with the scope of career options available in the industry sectors they had an interest in.
Enter the JobPod…
We branded it JobPod and provided a portal for youngsters to select an avatar and a questionnaire as that character and see what career options were suggested by the JobPod.
Widening horizons
The benefits were that you could use different characters each time answer the questions differently and get details on numerous industry sectors you hadn’t thought of before.
The ‘JobPod’ then provided details on that sector and different education routes on how you could get the qualifications required. This was a very user friendly way to get young people to explore different careers and also an ideal tool for teachers to encourage higher education amongst their students.
Big Stick
Big Stick has been please to see the success of the site throughout schools in the region and has now produced a new site
Called UniPod to guide potential University students and answer any questions they may have. including gap years accommodation and financial issues.

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