Web Branding

 Web branding is more than just a logo… 

What makes a prospect into a client?  In essence the answer is TRUST – your target audience has to feel confident that you will meet their specific requirements with consummate ease, and that any ongoing relationship will be simple, fruitful and rewarding. Web  branding is the  client facing embodiment of your service.Your web branding  is not necessarily what you say it is but how it is perceived by your audience.

In an increasingly competitive environment it is imperative that a brand reflects the true nature of the business where services and attributes are clearly understood and appreciated. In most cases a website serves as an organisation’s marketing hub – it can often be the first point of meaningful contact between the organisation and its potential customers or clients. Therefore it has to be a true reflection of the brand’s qualities and personality, and must fit neatly within the overall brand communication strategy.

Effectively a website is a wonderful and important opportunity to engage with your customers and prospects – an opportunity not to be taken lightly.Furthermore building a strong online brand is vital to both finding and keeping customers – and will make a telling contribution to your bottom line.

Briefing Guide

In order for Big Stick Web to work effectively we need to be pointed in the right direction.

Consequently we like to employ a briefing document – a device that will help you distill all the key objectives of a website project, so that what we ultimately recommend can have the maximum effect on your target audience.

A briefing document asks a series of (sometimes tricky) questions, but they are all designed to give us the ammunition to work effectively on your behalf, and give you the biggest ‘bang for your buck’.

We have enclosed some sample briefing documents to demonstrate when we need – but if you’d like to know more about the briefing process we’d be more than happy to sit down with you for an informal chat.